Botswana pumpladustamisprojekti teadaanne
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Botswana | 4 | The World Guide to Sustainable Enterprise
This chapter describes the national approaches to sustainable enterprise in Botswana. It includes key information about the priority issues, trends, and government policies as well as best-practice case studies of sustainable enterprise in Botswana. Despite ...
Sedimentological and geochemical evidence for palaeo …
DOI: 10.1016/J.PALAEO.2004.11.024 Corpus ID: 140551653 Sedimentological and geochemical evidence for palaeo-environmental change in the Makgadikgadi subbasin, in relation to the MOZ rift depression, Botswana Sediment samples from a continuous 4.6m ...
Evidence for a permanent lake in Sua Pan (Kalahari, Botswana) …
DOI: 10.1016/J.QUAINT.2011.02.040 Corpus ID: 140144473 Evidence for a permanent lake in Sua Pan (Kalahari, Botswana) during the early centuries of the last millennium indicated by distribution of Baobab trees (Adansonia digitata) on "Kubu Island" @article ...
Botswana Social Protection Programs and Systems Review
Botswana has a long history of important social protection programs, and the World Bank Group is pleased to be part of that continued effort to help improve social . With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations ...
ICT skills readiness for the emerging global digital economy among small businesses in developing countries: Case study of Botswana …
Botswana Government has realized the folly of depending largely on diamond mining for long‐term economic development. Consequently, it is encouraging the development of the ICT sector as a way to diversify its economy and position itself to play a leading role ...
Assessment of productivity of hospitals in Botswana: a DEA …
The results indicate significant inefficiencies within the sample for the years under study. In 2008, taken together, the inefficient hospitals would have needed to increase the number of outpatient visits by 117627 (18 percent) and inpatient days by 49415 (13 percent) in order to reach full efficie …
Tamisage : définition et explications
Définition tamisageLe tamisage décrit l''opération consistant à passer à travers des tamis pour séparer les particules en différentes dimensions. La séparation des matières les plus fines sera alors faite par criblage.Il est utilisé pour séparer les solides en suspension d''un liquide par filtration. ...
Advanced HIV disease in the Botswana combination prevention project: prevalence, risk …
Advanced HIV disease due to late presentation to or disengagement from antiretroviral therapy care remains common in the Treat All era in Botswana, calling for innovative testing, linkage, and treatment strategies to engage and retain harder-to …
Lack of Virological Suppression Among Young HIV-Positive Adults in Botswana
Background: HIV-1 RNA load is the best biological predictor of HIV transmission and treatment response. The rate of virologic suppression among key subpopulations can guide HIV prevention programs. Methods: The Botswana Combination Prevention Project performed a population-based household survey among adults in 30 communities in …
Botswana''s progress toward achieving the 2020 UNAIDS 90-90 …
Botswana is a middle-income country in sub-Saharan Africa with a very high prevalence of HIV (25·2% among people aged 15–49 years) and a national treatment programme that off ers antiretrovirals to HIV-infected adults with CD4 counts of 350 cells per μL or ...
Seotud teemad - Botswana pumpladustamisprojekti teadaanne
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