haiti jagatud energiasalvestusloend
Duizenden inwoners ontvluchten geweld in hoofdstad van Haïti
In Haïti zijn op enkele dagen tijd minstens 5.000 inwoners van de hoofdstad Port-au-Prince op de vlucht geslagen. Ze ontvluchten het toenemende bendegeweld in de stad. Ongeveer 80% van de hoofdstad is in handen van gewapende bendes. Het land kent al ...
Constitution history: many previous; latest adopted 10 March 1987, with substantial revisions in June 2012; note – the constitution is commonly referred to as the "amended 1987 constitution" amendments: proposed by the executive branch or by either the Senate or the Chamber of Deputies; consideration of proposed amendments requires support by at …
Haiti (AFI: /aˈi:ti/; in creolo haitiano: Ayiti), ufficialmente Repubblica di Haiti (in creolo haitiano: Repiblik Ayiti), è uno Stato situato nell''isola di Hispaniola, nel Mar dei Caraibi, confina a est con la Repubblica Dominicana.Un tempo colonia francese, è stata la seconda nazione delle Americhe a dichiarare la propria indipendenza, dopo gli Stati Uniti d''America.
Security Council authorizes ''historic'' support mission in Haiti
In what is being hailed as an historic first, the UN Security Council on Monday authorized the deployment of an international security mission to help Haiti''s national police quell surging gang violence and restore security across the strife-torn Caribbean nation.
Haïti : l''ONU juge nécessaire de tenir des élections alors que sévit …
Dans un contexte de situation sécuritaire détériorée par la violence des bandes armées, les élections sont cruciales pour l''Etat de droit en Haïti, a déclaré, ce lundi, la Représentante spéciale des Nations Unies dans le pays, María Isabel …
History of Haiti
The recorded history of Haiti began in 1492, when the European captain and explorer Christopher Columbus landed on a large island in the region of the western Atlantic Ocean that later came to be known as the Caribbean.The western portion of the island of Hispaniola, where Haiti is situated, was inhabited by the Taíno and Arawakan people, …
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