Tirana kontrollitav energiasalvestusettevõte
Tirana – Wikipedia
Tirana sijaitsee Isthm-joen varrella noin 27 km Adrianmeren rannalta itään, viljavan tasangon päässä. Tiranassa vallitsee lämpimänlauhkea kuivakesäinen ilmasto, jolle ovat tyypillisiä kuiva kuuma kesä, kostea ja leuto talvi. Tätä kuvataan Köppenin ilmastoluokituksessa kirjaimilla Csa. kirjaimilla Csa.
TLA Tirana – Terminali Lindor i Autobusave
Biletaria e TLA Tirana Agjensitë e Udhëtimit Metro Travel Tel: 069 759 8377 Alvavel Tel: 069 202 5013 Diamant Travel Tel: 069 617 8170 Arditi Tours Tel: 068 460 0000 Osumi Travel Tel: 069 644 4994 Aldeisa Travel Tel: 069 616 1200 Arens Travel Tel: 069 379 ...
Tirana Albanien: Alle Infos & Tipps zu Anreise, Sicherheit,...
Tirana: Reisetipps & Informationen zu Sicherheit, Flughafen, … Tirana ist die unterschätzte und wenig besuchte Hauptstadt Albaniens, eine Stadt am Rande Europas, die jeden Reisenden, der abenteuerlustig genug ist, um durch ihre historischen Straßen und Plätze zu schlendern, in ihren Bann ziehen wird. ...
Tirana: de hoofdstad van het ooit potdichte Albanië
Tirana ligt zo''n beetje in het midden van Albanië, een land aan de Adriatische en Ionische Zee dat grenst aan Griekenland, Noord-Macedonië, Kosovo en Montenegro. Omdat Tirana zo centraal in het land ligt, is het de perfecte uitvalsbasis voor allerlei dagtrips naar andere plekken in het land.
15 Best Things to Do in Tirana (Albania)
Let''s explore the best things to do in Tirana: 1. Piramida Source: Katsiuba Volha / shutterstock Piramida It might seem strange to start with a derelict building, but the Piramida is unique. It''s an unforgettable and culturally-significant building from 1987 It was ...
About Us | Tirana Ekspres
Tirana Ekspres is a non-profit organization initiated by artists, activists, environmentalists, policymakers, social-business undertakers and researchers whose purpose is to enhance the cultural & artistic perception and expression in Tirana and even beyond . Our goal is to work in strong partnership with the community as we pursue the good…
Tirana (stad)
Tirana (Albanees: Tiranë, bepaalde vorm Tirana; Gegisch: Tirona) is de hoofdstad en veruit de grootste stad (bashki) van Albanië. De stad heeft 557.070 inwoners (2011) en is gelegen in het centrum van het land aan de rivieren de Tiranë en de Lanë, zo''n veertig kilometer oostelijk van de havenstad Durrës .
11 Best Things to do in Tirana, Albania (2024 Travel Guide)
Tirana, Albania, is full of surprises. From unique buildings, friendly locals, and vibrant cafes - discover the best things to do in Tirana. If you''re visiting in the summer, you''ll notice that this is also a spot loved by the locals. During the day, it might be a bit emptier, but ...
15 Best Things To Do in Tirana in 2023
On this communism tour of Tirana, you''ll learn all about the people who shaped Albania''s history and visit some of the main Tirana attractions of the era. As part of the tour, you''ll explore Bunk''Art2, (the sister museum to Bunk''Art1), which provides fascinating stories from communist times, as well as information about the secret police – the Sigurimi.
Tirana – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Tirana (Albanian: Tiranë) is the bustling and relatively modernised capital of Albania is the most important economic, financial, political and trade centre in the country. The city was announced as the European Youth Capital for 2022. Tourists often find the city ...
Explore Tirana
Tirana has two sides: a metropolitan city of politics, business, arts, and nightlife on the one hand and a city surrounded by castles, mountains, and natural beauty on the other. Hiking on the mountain of Dajti, exploring the surrounding rural green areas, cycling, and dining in the best and traditional restaurants in the city are only some of the many options Tirana …
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